Message from the author:

My mother was so strict about the sexual abuse of children. She was so certain she protected US from every "external" threat possible. Little did she know that her own son was sexually abused by my aunt's son, and little did she know, that same son of hers, my brother per se, would do it to me! She was so sure of herself. That she did everything perfectly. After I told her what happened, all she could tell me was "It's brother, it's blood, never abandon one another!" I got imprisoned for a Facebook comment, saying "sexist pig" to the Turkish President... In prison, I told the authorities what had happened 40 + years ago. They said the same thing, "it's blood, never abandon him"! And she died a few months after the disclosure, never consoling me, neither my brother. I bet she couldn't handle the harsh truth of a lifes' fuck up! Always protecting the actual predator. I did all my best to fight PEDOPHILIA! Still am! But this is hopeless. Child sexual abuse/rape is the worst thing that can happen to a HUMAN BEING, it's murder without the actual killing. For it paralyzes you forever. Messing up everything in your life, from your career, to your love life. I never got married, I never had a child, simply because of this.

And I'm glad I didn't! As of this moment, I don't regret the CORRECT decisions I made. I shall continue to fight this to the last breath, no matter what. Until one day I
get REALLY heard. So maybe one day, no more child can be abused that way. I don't know
what else to say! All this time, no validation. Living the GUILTY, SHAMEFUL LIFE,
believing that I am the evil one. There had been a few instances where I was able to
genuinely "smile". I wish one day that "weight" ABOVE me, would lift! It's too heavy
to carry. I could've been a great Software Engineer, probably a good artist, none of
which is happening, and will never ever happen! Even if I could, I shall continue to
refuse to do it! To the last breath, I shall continue to EXPOSE the mofos that do this
to innocent good willed ppl. HEY there's a reason to pedophilia, right?
It's the major form of GENOCIDE/ASSIMILATION. Especially directed to FEMALES!
Challenge me! Prove me wrong! Those that stay quiet in this, make no mistake,
are a part of it! They are accomplices to this systematic RAPE CULTURE! This is that
simple and obvious. The majority prefer to look the other way.

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